Sunday 18 October 2009

Hi, I'm Chonagen Mastore I came from beautiful Island of Bohol. But my original Birth of Place was in Lanao del Norte in Mindanao. I graduated elementary and highschool days in Bohol. After I graduate high school I go to Manila for good.

It's time to Break

When I say "educared man" I do not refer to the individual who has read a thousand books and magazines, however the important is you have to learn more. A college graduate has once been described as one who at ht end of our studies si presented with a sheepskin to cover his intellectual nakedness. I have many plans after I graduate. But one of my priority si to find a jop. I want to help my parents in all financial aspects. I will exchange their sacrifices when I was studying. Even if I have no experiences in job searching but I wat to prove to myself, this is a big challenge to my life.This time I'm not a teen ager anymore that "happy-go-lucky only" this is the time to make our parents proud to us. We are not getting younger, that's why I wan't to make up all mistakes that I have done in the past few years. But now I want to explore more in my studying so that when I gradute, I've learn a lot and to prove to them that I'm the one of the best...

Wednesday 14 October 2009


We do not remember days, we remember moments. No canvas absorbs color like memory. Memories the diary that we all carry about with us. Every man;s memory is his private literature. Our memories are independent of our wills, The memory is a treasure to whom we must give funds. If we would draw the assistance we need. Memories is like a brilliant jewelry as home,but it is more beautiful, a thousand times more true. the richness of life lies in many memories we have forgotten. Memory is hunting horns whose sound lies on the wind. A man's real possesion is his memory. In nothing else is he rich, in nothing else is he poor without memories.

Tuesday 13 October 2009

What is True Love

True Love is the absence of fear. True Love is knowing a person's faults, and loving them even more. True love is when you have to watch a friend leave, knowing that you might never see him again, But you know he'll be in your heart and mind forever. Once you find true love your heart will know it because, it will always leave a feeling inside of you that never goes away. True Love should be lived like an inperfect circle that has its bumps but never ends. It may take a lifetime to find True Love, But when you do, you will have an eternity to share it. Nothing compares with the finding of Tue Love, because once you do, your heart is complete. Some people say that when you are in love you must always hold hands. But when its True Love you don;t need to, because you just know that the other hand will always be there. True Love is when you love a person more than you love yourself. True Love is accepting who the person really is without any doubt, because nothing else really matters accepts the love you fell for each other..

Friends and Forever

A friend is a person who goes around saying nice things about you
behind your back. A friend is someone who reaches for your hand, but touches your heart. Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow, don't walk behind me, I may not lead, just walk beside me and be my friend. A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words. Some people have a large circle of friends, while others have only friends they like. One does not make friends, one recognizes them. True friendship is seen through the heart, not through the eyes. Friends are angel who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly. A friend is someone who knows all about you but likes you anyway. Many people will walk in and out of your life...but only true friends leave footprints in your heart..

Sunday 11 October 2009

Pacquiao Vs Cotto Live Stream

Pacquiao Vs Cotto live stream in Las Vegas Nevada at MGM Garden Arena. Their fight will be on November 14, 2009. Pacquiao awarded "best fighter of the Year" One of the most hottest magazines in the Hollywood. Pacquiao conquered all his fight through determination to win. He was only the "pinoy" Boxer got all his titles in all his fight. And he had a new billboard in the Hollywood and it is so overwhelming to us"pinoy". So don't take a another shot,watch out for the biggest event in this year Pacquiao Vs Cotto live Stream. More interesting info. in Pacquaio Vs Cotto visit the website of(Mr. Lonito Dellava go to (

Thursday 8 October 2009 Now and Forever Now and Forever

Now and Forever

To be loved is to live forever in someone's heart. Love that is true love lasts forever. If each time I thought of you were a flower,Icould walk in my garden forever. A part of you has grown in me, and, so you see, its you and me forever and never apart , maybe in distance but never in heart. Love is a moment that lasts forever,if I could be with you forever my life would be complete. Let not our love be like a flower that dies,instead let it be like a river that flows forever. Special times and special places,special friends together the momentd pass so quickly, but the me3mories lasts forever. I know I won't live forever, but forever I'll be loving you. You and I will live a lifetime, but our love will l;ast forever. Love is that feelingt which one felt will forever be cherished and will immediately change one's lifre forever. If every word I say could make you smile, I'd talk to you forever,together you and I. I will love you until the day after forever.

The way of life

The way of life is a paradise that bends and alters over a dice. The way of life is an ambition that depends upon the person's solution. The way of life is sometimes crazy when the person became lazy.The way of life is a puzzle that is sometimes meant to baffle. The way of life is just to mulled to be seriously identified. The way of life is a conflict when a compass comes to contradict over the column of accept.

Monday 5 October 2009


This website was so interesting.. You have many to learn like me as a beginner in computer literacy. This website is own by: Mr.Baguyo.He was so expert in computer and one of the best teacher in Hercor College.. For me, I mut consider that your life is like a computer .. You must click and click until you can enter a blog.. This website also help us like student like me,,you can relate everything about computer literacy.. Want more interesting site about Felixberto Baguyo go to his website and click here(

"saying sorry"

Saying sorry to the one you love is one of begging forgiveness. But psychologically means I love you very much.... Even you I'm far away from you this is not the reason to forget you. Even if I didn't care of you sometimes but from the buttom of mt heart you are still number one.... And sorry because ... I love you very much even I am far away from you........


Life is full of surprises.In my past experience I have some circumstances that I been in countered. Many people that I meet.Bot one of them is catcth my attentions. "I'm alreaDY deaD but you I'm still dreaming. You save me from my nightmare in my darkest hour,you save my wounded heart when I felt blue in my wrold apart from you. But life is must go on. I must continue my study to my brigth future. In my few experiences I learn to handle myself in being independent. I meet many people I learn everything to them but one of them is my special someone. But I must continue my life even if its really hurt that he is far away from you.I wish that life is like a "pocketbook" that had a "happy ending"....