Sunday 18 October 2009

It's time to Break

When I say "educared man" I do not refer to the individual who has read a thousand books and magazines, however the important is you have to learn more. A college graduate has once been described as one who at ht end of our studies si presented with a sheepskin to cover his intellectual nakedness. I have many plans after I graduate. But one of my priority si to find a jop. I want to help my parents in all financial aspects. I will exchange their sacrifices when I was studying. Even if I have no experiences in job searching but I wat to prove to myself, this is a big challenge to my life.This time I'm not a teen ager anymore that "happy-go-lucky only" this is the time to make our parents proud to us. We are not getting younger, that's why I wan't to make up all mistakes that I have done in the past few years. But now I want to explore more in my studying so that when I gradute, I've learn a lot and to prove to them that I'm the one of the best...

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