Thursday 8 October 2009

Now and Forever

To be loved is to live forever in someone's heart. Love that is true love lasts forever. If each time I thought of you were a flower,Icould walk in my garden forever. A part of you has grown in me, and, so you see, its you and me forever and never apart , maybe in distance but never in heart. Love is a moment that lasts forever,if I could be with you forever my life would be complete. Let not our love be like a flower that dies,instead let it be like a river that flows forever. Special times and special places,special friends together the momentd pass so quickly, but the me3mories lasts forever. I know I won't live forever, but forever I'll be loving you. You and I will live a lifetime, but our love will l;ast forever. Love is that feelingt which one felt will forever be cherished and will immediately change one's lifre forever. If every word I say could make you smile, I'd talk to you forever,together you and I. I will love you until the day after forever.

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