Tuesday 13 October 2009

What is True Love

True Love is the absence of fear. True Love is knowing a person's faults, and loving them even more. True love is when you have to watch a friend leave, knowing that you might never see him again, But you know he'll be in your heart and mind forever. Once you find true love your heart will know it because, it will always leave a feeling inside of you that never goes away. True Love should be lived like an inperfect circle that has its bumps but never ends. It may take a lifetime to find True Love, But when you do, you will have an eternity to share it. Nothing compares with the finding of Tue Love, because once you do, your heart is complete. Some people say that when you are in love you must always hold hands. But when its True Love you don;t need to, because you just know that the other hand will always be there. True Love is when you love a person more than you love yourself. True Love is accepting who the person really is without any doubt, because nothing else really matters accepts the love you fell for each other..

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